
St Lawrence College has an ever-increasing reputation for sporting success in both boys’ and girls’ sport which is why we are nationally recognised as being one of the top 200 sports schools in the country. Our pupils achieve personal and team success both inside and outside of school. Our aim is to foster an ethos of sporting achievement as well as encourage the need for a healthy lifestyle beyond the school gates.

All major sports are played to a high standard and the school has an excellent record of fielding teams across many different sports, despite being a small school. We have a good tradition in both boys’ and girls’ hockey, with standards continuing to improve with the addition of more specialist staff. In recent years we have won National titles in 2017, 2018 and twice in 2020 which highlights the level that we play. All matches are either played on our artificial astroturf or our Olympic standard waterbased hockey pitch which has significantly increased the quality of performance. Our new sports structure allows hockey to be played across all three terms which includes indoor hockey, outdoor hockey, regular training, specialist training, pre-seasons, tours and post season development.

Rugby is the performance sport for boys in the Michaelmas term and we regularly field ten teams. We have a rugby programme that allows all boys to find a suitable level which could be either contact rugby or touch. We also have girls rugby training as part of our Activity programme which although is in its infancy, is growing and matches will be organised when able to field a team.

Netball is the performance sport in the Lent term for girls. We have eight outdoor hard courts and one indoor court. Like all major sports that we offer, we have training all three terms along with netball matches outside of the actual season which allows continual progression for all of our girls.

Cricket is the main summer sport for both boys and girls. Head of Cricket and ex England cricketer Geraint Jones has made a big difference not only to the skill level of the pupils but also with their psychological approach to the game. To give you an insight of our strength, our U15 girls finished 4th in the country in the National Finals in 2023 and our 1st XI regularly reach the latter stages of the National Competition. Our Cricket programmes have been national recognised by the School Sports Magazine publication as being in the Top 100 Cricket Schools in the country for four consecutive years. Other summer sports include tennis, swimming and athletics where we regularly compete in competitions and regular fixtures. Girls’ tennis has long been established as one of the school’s real strengths and this continues to flourish under the expert guidance of staff.

The wide range of sports on offer continues to improve in standard, most notably waterpolo, squash, golf, badminton, and basketball.

The enjoyment of sport that is fostered at school continues beyond St Lawrence College and it is pleasing to see the numbers of Old Lawrentians returning to play against the school 1st teams on an annual basis.

We are determined to build on our strong foundation of sporting success and keep as many pupils as possible representing their school in as many sports as possible. Sport will always remain a vital part of education and every effort is made to retain the depth, variety and improving excellence of sports on offer. To read more about the excellent standard and variety of sports available, please select the relevant pages which highlights the level that we play.

Sports Fixtures & Results 

Seth Simmons

Director of Sport

Seth is an experienced and well respected cricket hockey and rugby coach. Seth studied at the University of Portsmouth where he also represented England and British Universities at cricket which is his main passion. Throughout his cricketing career he played both for Kent Youth and Hampshire and he has been awarded many accolades including Kent young Cricketer of the Year and Kent Batsman of the Season, hitting scores of 156 against Glamorgan and 223 against Somerset. Coaching from men’s teams, junior teams and even county youth teams he has gained the experience to know how to push talented cricketers. In 2012 Seth founded the SLC Cricket Academy which continues to boasts several Kent Cricket players in their respective age groups, some of whom have gone on to receive professional contracts and play in such competitions as The Hundred.

Seth founded the SLC Sports Excellence Programme in 2014. Seth’s main aim on the Sports Excellence Programme is to continue to develop the player’s game through creating a structured environment whilst giving every player an opportunity to flourish both as an individual as well as part of a team. His training methods test players both physically and mentally but always provides them with an enjoyable experience that will prepare them as thoroughly as possible.

“The school is successful in providing opportunities for pupils of all abilities to gain academic success and develop their individual talents.”

ISI Inspection Report 2015

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