Additional Education Needs

Caring for our AEN students

The AEN (Additional Educational Needs) Department provides a separate hub equipped with three fully-resourced rooms, creating a comfortable learning environment for students. It supports Senior School students with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, and ADHD, who require specialised support to thrive academically.

The AEN Department comprises four specialist teachers led by Mrs Deborah Caines, who brings 30 years of experience in the field. Mrs Caines has held leadership positions in special needs schools internationally.

In the AEN Department, students receive tailored small group sessions focusing on their individual needs such as reading accuracy and comprehension. Their teachers in turn receive student guidelines including strategies for classroom support.

Our aims for your child

  • To support pupils’ learning differences within the context of a mainstream school
  • To support the learning difference through small group intervention classes
  • To ensure that pupils receive the correct exam access arrangements
  • To ensure that all teaching staff are aware of the pupils’ needs within the context of a mainstream classroom
  • To maintain contact with parents, teachers and outside professionals where necessary.

Screening and Diagnoses

Teachers and parents can refer students to the AEN Department for screening and support at any stage during their time at the College, subject to availability. The AEN Department maintains an open-door policy and always maintains close liaison with parents.

Admissions process

Where students join from St Lawrence College Junior School into Year 7, we will work closely with Mrs Kirsty Danes, Junior School SENDCO. Students joining from elsewhere may be interviewed by Mrs Caines as part of their Admissions journey into St Lawrence College.

Students must be able to work within a mainstream classroom without TA support and be independent around the school.

Please note that as we have a finite amount of AEN places per year group, so admission is always dependent on availability at the year of entry.

Frequency and duration of AEN lessons

Students in Year 7 and Year 8 replace French lessons with four one-hour sessions per week in the AEN Department. Students in Year 9 to 13, replace Modern Foreign Language lessons with three one-hour sessions per week in the AEN Department.

Exam Access Arrangements

The AEN Department facilitates access arrangements for public exams, including extra time, rest breaks, and specialised equipment. Screening for suitable arrangements occurs during Year 10.

Fees (2024-25)

AEN students in Year 7 and Year 8 pay additional AEN fees of £880 per term, equating to 4 hours support per week. Students in Years 9 to 13 pay additional AEN fees of £660 per term, equating to 3 hours support per week. The AEN Department is also able to offer additional support hours, depending on the student requirements and availability.

Pupils are unwaveringly polite, courteous and affable in both formal and informal situations. They know how to behave and are ken to demonstrate this at every opportunity. They have a keen sense of right and wrong and are confident in the value of collective and individual responsibility, the house system being key to this sense of community working together. 

ISI Inspection 2022

Click here to book your place at our Open Week from 16th – 20th September.

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