Continuing the Journey

The transition from Prep at St Lawrence College to the Senior School is an important milestone for the family, especially our pupils. It is also quite daunting and therefore we do everything we can at St Lawrence College to ensure that the move is both exciting and supportive.

We have a ‘Moving Up’ morning for pupils moving from our Junior School to Senior School as well as new families coming in at 11+. This is a morning of meeting each other, spending time getting to know the teachers and more importantly the surroundings.

Our pupils do not ‘jump’ straight into a large school environment but through Kirby House. Kirby is the home of our thriving Middle School for children aged 11 & 12 (Year 7 and Year 8). Easing the transition from junior to senior education, Kirby provides outstanding pastoral care. Pupils are taught by Senior School teachers and use all the Senior School facilities. Small class sizes encourage confidence and enable rapid progress as teachers can give each pupils the utmost individual attention.

“Our child has come on in leaps and bounds since joining Year 7, the transition has given him great strength to move into Year 9 next year.”

Click here to book your place at our Open Week from 16th – 20th September.

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