Kuala Lumpur



Welcome to our OL Events page, please see below a list of events that are scheduled.

Calendar of OL Event

Please note that these dates may not be final and are subject to change depending on developing circumstances.

July 2024

Friday 5th July - Junior School and Senior School Speech Day

The traditional Speech Day is a yearly event for students and parents, marking a time to celebrate the year’s achievements and bid a fond farewell to our Upper Sixth students. This event honours the hard work and dedication of our students, showcasing their accomplishments and milestones. It’s a moment of pride and reflection as we acknowledge their growth and success, while also sending our best wishes to those who are embarking on their next journey beyond our school.

August 2024

Saturday 17th August - Leaders Forum Dinner by invite from Raphael de Souza

Raphael de Souza, President of the OL Society, is planning an event by invitation only for OL leaders in industry. More information to follow.

Please email olsociety@slcuk.com should you have any questions regarding this event.

September 2024

Saturday 28th September - South West Reunion

We are pleased to announce this year’s OL alumni re-union at The St George & Dragon will be on Saturday, 28th September between 12.00 pm – 3.00 pm. To book your space please contact Liz (Assistant Manager of the George & Dragon) on 01392 876121 or by email stgeorgeanddragonexeter@vintageinn.co.uk.

The ticket price is £12.95 per person for a lunch buffet lunch. To secure your place the venue requires a 50% deposit when booking. Drinks will be available to purchase on the day from the bar. Partners are particularly welcome to attend! Further details of St George and Dragon can be found here.


October 2024

Friday 18th October - OL Supper

To be held at St Lawrence College:

Tours are available from 4.00 pm until 6.00 pm.

Followed by supper at 6.00 pm in our historic Dining Hall and carriages at 9.00 pm.

Booking details to follow.

November 2024

WC Monday 4th November - Careers Week

In careers week, our students will have the wonderful opportunity to connect with Old Lawrentians, creating valuable mentorship relationships within our community.

Mentorship by Old Lawrentians is a cornerstone of our values, offering immense opportunities for growth and learning. This relationship is not one-sided; it includes reverse mentorship, where recent graduates assist longer-term members with technology, and in turn, receive career guidance and support.

If you are interested in contributing to the career week, please reach out to the OL Society at olsociety@slcuk.com.

Friday 22nd November - OL London Christmas Drinks

Details to follow – please email events@slcuk.com to register your interest.

December 2024

Saturday 7th December - Fundraising Charity Games Evening

Details to follow – please email events@slcuk.com to register your interest.

Event Organisation
Various tiers of OL Events are possible and actively encouraged, we know how much OLs enjoy the chance to meet up and reminisce and we fully support this.
Tier 4
  • Fully organised by OL individuals
  • OL support: Shared details with our External Relations Officer where details will be shared on Social Media and our Database.
Tier 3
  • Fully organised by OL individuals
  • OL support: Shared details with our External Relations Officer where details will be shared on Social Media and our Database.
  • Targeted Emails via database to specific groups. For example, Class Of and Houses.
Tier 2
  • Fully organised by OL individuals
  • OL support: Shared details with our External Relations Officer where details will be shared on Social Media and our Database.
  • Targeted Emails via database to specific groups. For example, Class Of and Houses.
  • Merchandise available
  • Development office and College presence at the event.
  • Ticket booking support through the Development Office.
Tier 1
  • Fully Customised- Please email events@slcuk.com 
For all tiers: 
We ask that a minimum of 10 Media (Images and Videos) be shared of your events.
Please note that attendance and participation are at your own risk and that anyone attending or taking part in the OL Events must use good judgement, obey all laws and take reasonable care to avoid injury to their person or property. 

Click here to book your place at our Open Week from 16th – 20th September.

Open Week advert