people walking in group

Arrivals Day

Posted: 4th September 2024

Family smiling in front of building

The 4th September marked a monumental occasion at St Lawrence College, as new boarders, accompanied by their families, arrived on campus for the first time. Arrivals Day is a honoured tradition that reflects the school’s commitment to a smooth and seamless transition for new students and their families.

New students started arriving from 10:00am where staff eagerly waited to meet and greet our new boarders. This event not only allowed students and parents to meet college staff and each other but also provided an opportunity to experience the warm, family-oriented environment that defines St Lawrence College. Friendly conversations, smiles, and excitement set the tone for a fantastic day ahead.

As the day moved on, a special lunch was held on Chapel Green, giving families the chance to talk and form connections with others who were also beginning this exciting new chapter. It was a moment for everyone to relax, share stories and enjoy the beautiful campus setting.

Head of College, Barney Durrant, took to the podium to give a heartfelt speech, addressing new boarders and their families. The Head emphasised the school’s core values of academic excellence, personal growth, and the importance of building lasting relationships. Students were encouraged to embrace the opportunities ahead, take on challenges with confidence, and actively contribute to the community at the School.

Tours were available to new students and their families after lunch, allowing everyone to see the rich history, outstanding facilities and nurturing environment St Lawrence College has to offer.

The day was not just about settling in – it was about setting the stage for an unforgettable educational experience. St Lawrence, continues to demonstrate why it is more than just a place of learning; it’s a community where each student is cared for, nurtured, and prepared to thrive academically and personally.

Categories: Boarding

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