Staff and students run Race for Life in Herne Bay

Race for Life

Posted: 1st July 2024

Staff and students run Race for Life in Herne Bay with medals

On Sunday 30th June, in an inspiring display of determination and community spirit, eight staff members and twenty-eight pupils participated in the 5k Race for Life run in Herne Bay. The 5K run, which aims to raise funds for Cancer Research UK, saw exceptional performances from all our runners. Among the highlights was a remarkable achievement by Year 7 pupil Tristan Vivot, who was first!

Thanks to the enthusiasm and dedication of the runners, the fundraising total has already surpassed £800, with donations still being accepted here. The funds raised will go towards supporting vital cancer research through Cancer Research UK, reflecting our commitment to making a positive impact beyond the college grounds.

Biplove in Year 12, and soon to be a Prefect, had originally suggested the run, said “It was amazing to see everyone come together for such an important cause. We trained hard, and it felt great to contribute to something bigger than ourselves. Crossing that finish line, knowing we made a difference, was incredibly rewarding.”

Special thanks are due to Dr Kate Barwell for her meticulous planning, coordination as well as running herself, and well done to all the staff and pupils who took part.