South Africa Cricket Exchange at St Benedicts Johannesburg

South Africa Sport Exchange Programme

Posted: 17th June 2024

South Africa Cricket Exchange at St Benedicts Johannesburg

We are delighted to be able to report on the latest installment of our prestigious Exchange Programme with St Benedict’s College in Johannesburg, South Africa. This unique initiative, tailored for elite boys from the Sports Excellence Programme, spans six weeks and facilitates an annual exchange of six Lower Sixth Form students from each school, accompanied by their teachers.

St Benedict’s College, recognised as one of the top 30 sports schools in South Africa, boasts a strong emphasis on sports with over 700 boys and a considerable percentage of sports scholarships awarded. The programme provides St Lawrence students access to a higher calibre of sports, enhancing their personal skills and contributing to their sports development journey upon their return.

The Exchange Programme encompasses cricket, hockey, and rugby. In January, St Lawrence College cricket players journey to South Africa for the South African cricket season, while St Benedict’s College rugby players visit the UK in November to December for the UK rugby season. In May, St Lawrence sends elite rugby and hockey players, and St Benedict’s reciprocates with elite cricket players during the UK cricket season. This reciprocal arrangement ensures that students from both schools are challenged and stretched within each other’s environments.

Although the programme has been running for six years, it was temporarily halted for two years due to COVID-19. However, the connection has now been re-established and revitalised. Two of our students, Freddie and Nana, are currently participating in the exchange and have shared their experiences.

Freddie Durrant (Rugby)

“It has been such a great experience for me to be involved in the St Benedict’s culture for the past five weeks. From the moment we got there, everyone has been so welcoming and did everything they could to make our transition into the Bennies lifestyle as seamless as possible.

The most memorable moment for me so far has been the atmosphere at the first team rugby matches, both home and away. It is such an overwhelming experience to play with a whole school beside you, cheering and chanting so passionately throughout the match, no matter the result. Experiencing South African rugby and its significance to the national culture has been invaluable. It has also been interesting to experience a different style of rugby to what is played in England and learn how to improve my game through constant feedback from both my coaches and teammates.

Life off the pitch has also been great. I’ve enjoyed being part of a boarding house and making new friendships that I’m sure will last for many years. One standout aspect is the food—trying a variety of new dishes that I would never have experienced back home. Additionally, attending lessons such as Afrikaans and hunting, where students learn how to sustainably and safely hunt, has been fascinating. Overall, my experience at St Benedict’s has been one I’ll remember for the rest of my life.”

Nana Owusa Ansah (Hockey)

“The Bennies culture has been an amazing experience as a whole, from war cry practices to boarding house trips. My time in South Africa for hockey has been a competitive and cultural journey. On the field, the team has shown incredible resilience and determination, evidenced by our results: securing four wins, two draws, and a loss. The intensity of the matches is balanced by the unique South African tradition of war cries, which boost morale and provide an exciting cultural immersion.

My first game against King Edward’s School (KES) was unforgettable, as we won in the last minutes of the game with around 200 people cheering. The crowd chanting your name is indescribable, and I highly recommend experiencing it if given the chance. We’ve also faced fierce competition from St Albans College and St John’s, both ending in draws.

Off the field, our boarding house trips have been equally memorable. Bowling outings and arcade trips have provided a perfect break from the intensity of training and matches. Other activities, such as visiting Loftus Stadium to watch the Bulls and playing golf with Bennies boys, have enriched our stay. These trips have offered a balance between athletic commitment and the enjoyment of exploring new surroundings and building friendships. These past few weeks have been busy but amazing, and I look forward to many more enjoyable moments, especially with Old Boys Day coming up next week.”

South Africa Cricket Exchange at St Benedicts Johannesburg

South Africa Cricket Exchange at St Benedicts Johannesburg

Categories: Senior Sport