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South East in Bloom winners

Posted: 24th October 2023

South East in Bloom winners

In February, St. Lawrence College’s Grounds and Gardens team entered the Business Landscape award with South East in Bloom, inviting a fresh pair of eyes to see the site and the work our fantastic team carries out.

The College is very lucky to have over 80 acres of school site to manage and there is huge community interest in how the site is used, not only from a student and staff perspective, but also from a conservation and ecological point of view. The Grounds and Garden team has created a 3-acre chalkland meadow, introduced over 150 bird and bat boxes (with over 40% actively in use) and constructed various feeding stations for birds and other wildlife to enjoy. The College also has hedgehog nesting areas and many other habitats for animals and insects to call home.

With lots of hard work going into renovating the school site over the past 5+ years, it has been a great achievement and recognition for the team to receive the South East in Bloom award. Alongside receiving a Gold Award, the team spectacularly won the Business Landscapes Category in the South and South East area.

The Grounds and Gardens team consists of Alan Crowhurst, David Williams, and Steve Todd, as well as former team member Dan McGrath. The whole team have played a vital role in making the school site a haven for staff, students and wildlife to enjoy.

The Grounds and Gardens team has several new projects planned over the next 12 months and looks forward to working with the students on a few of them, to encourage more outdoor learning.


Categories: Award Outreach

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