CCF Annual Dinner

Posted: 10th March 2022

On Saturday 5th March the CCF (Combined Cadet Force) had their annual dinner for our middle and senior ranking cadets, to celebrate all their achievements. The evening followed the traditional army regimental style that included a top table, regimental and school silver, speeches and loyal toasts. A superb meal with silver service was laid on by the catering team with loyal toasts preceding the speeches.

Major Hill announced the promotions of a number of cadets and presented a memorial shield to each of the Upper Sixth cadets leaving us in the summer after five magnificent years in the CCF. Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Caviglieri was finally able to make his leaving speech which we all greatly enjoyed.

A final speech from the newly promoted Cadet RSM Harriet Westby and the adult guests retired to leave the cadets to have a few after dinner games to burn off their pudding.

A great night, celebrating all the cadets do with the old traditions to keep our feet planted.


Categories: CCF Senior