student walking down the school

A Level Results Day 2021

Posted: 11th August 2021

Yesterday our Upper Sixth pupils celebrated some fantastic A Level results.

The Head of College, Barney Durrant said, “We are all incredibly proud of the resilient and dedicated way in which our Upper Sixth pupils have studied this year and it is testament to their hard work that they have gained such excellent grades. We wish them all the very best as they embark on their University courses and careers – they are a special group of people and we are honoured to call them Old Lawrentians”.

St Lawrence College’s Deputy Head Academic, Ben Pennells also expressed his sentiments. He said, “Following a very challenging year, our pupils have impressed through great resilience and an exceptional work ethic. As well as demonstrating an outstanding approach to learning while they were in school, their attitude during the period of online teaching was exemplary and the cohort has achieved an excellent set of results: 75% of grades achieved were A*- B. Nine pupils in the cohort achieved straight A*/A grades and special mentions go to Archie and Taehyun who achieved three A* grades and four A* grades respectively. We are proud of all of our pupils’ achievements and wish them the very best as they go off to universities including KCL, Loughborough, Queen Mary (London) and UCL”.

Well done everyone! 👏

Categories: Senior

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